Ashutosh Rana INfo

Search Engine Optimization Notes

Overview of SEO Strategies

Plenty of students Search Search Engine Optimization Notes on Google. Here is the solution for Students. Basically main doubts of students are, What is Search Engine Optimization or SEO?

So, It is a process where we rank the keywords on SERP, It means Increase non paid traffic to a website.

Some of the book have SEO 3 Types and Some book says SEO are 2 Types, If we discuss 2 or 3 types. Mentioned the below:

  1. Onpage SEO
  2. Offpage SEO
  3. Technical SEO

OnPage SEO

( First type of Search Engine Optimization)

Here are the Topics of On page SEO:

  1. Keywords Research
  2. Meta Title
  3. Meta Description
  4. URL Structure
  5. Heading Tags
  6. Content Optimization
  7. Image Optimization
  8. Black Hat, White Hat and Grey Hat SEO
  9. Keywords Density
  10. Keywords Stuffing
  11. Internal Linking and External Linking
  12. Schema Markup

Technical SEO

( Second type of Search Engine Optimization)

Here are the Topics of Technical page SEO:

  1. User Interface (UI)
  2. User Experience (UX)
  3. HTML Sitemap
  4. XML Sitemap
  5. Robots.txt
  6. Page Speed Optimization
  7. 301 Redirect/ 302 Redirect
  8. Mobile Friendliness
  9. 404 Error
  10. Canonical Tag & Issue
  11. Website Security
  12. Analytics & Search Console

OffPage SEO

( Second type of Search Engine Optimization)

Here are the Activities of Off page SEO:

  1. Forum Submission
  2. Classified Submission
  3. Blog Submission
  4. Article Submission
  5. Q&A Submission
  6. Image Submission
  7. Video Submission
  8. PDF Submission
  9. PPT Submission
  10. Business Listings
  11. Profile Creation
  12. Podcasting Submission

Onpage SEO ?

Keyword Research:-

Keyword Research provides an Important roles to rank your website on SERP. 

We have to insert keywords in the content but firstly, find the Low competition and Long Tail Keywords.

Confused? There are total 3 Types of Competition keywords in SEO.

  • Low Competition Keywords
  • Medium Competition Keywords
  • High Competition Keywords

And, 2 Types of Keywords i.e Long Tail Keywords and Short Tail Keywords.

Suppose, 2 to 3 Employees are working out of 10 Employees that we can say is Low Competition Keyword. 5 to 6 Employees are working any keyword that is Medium Competition and 9 to 10 employees out of 10 are working on any keyword we can say High Competition Keyword.

On the other hand, If any word more than 2 words we can say that is Long Tail Keyword but If any word less than 2 word we can say Short Tail Keyword.

For keyword Research you have to follow these steps:-

  1. Go to and find google keyword planner
  2. Create a Google Keyword Planner Account with your Mail Id.
  3. Visit Keyword Planner
  4. Select your Country and State where you find the keywords
  5. Mention the keywords and see their Search Volume, Competition and All.

Here is overview of Google Keyword Planner:-

Google Keyword Planner Overview by Digi Schema

Meta Title:-

Meta Title describes the topic of your content. We write the Meta Title on 55 Characters to 60 Characters. Then, We can see that Meta Title on SERP Section.

Note* According to the latest updates, Google can display a meta title for any paragraph or Line in your content or may display the Title mentioned by You.

How to Look Meta Title on SERP?

How can we see Meta Title on SERP

Steps to Mention Meta Title on WordPress Website?

  1. Go to Create New Page
  2. Mention the Title of the Page
  3. Go to bottom Section, see the Yoast SEO
  4. Mention Meta Title Overthere.

Meta Description:-

Meta Description describes the summary of your content. We write the Meta Description on 155 Characters to 160 Characters. Then, We can see that Meta Description on SERP Section.

Note* According to the latest updates, Google can display a meta Description for any paragraph or Line in your content or may display the Description mentioned by You.

How to Look Meta Description on SERP?

Show to Meta Description looks on SERP

Steps to Mention Meta Description on WordPress Website?

  1. Go to Create New Page
  2. Mention the title of the Page
  3. Go to bottom Section, see the Yoast SEO
  4. Mention Meta Description Over there.

URL Structure:-

URL means Uniform Resource Locator, URL made with (SSL+Domain Name+Slug). If you want to land on any page you need to mention the URL on Your website.

Rules to make User Friendly and Crawler Friendly URL:

  1. URL should be short.
  2. Don’t use any number in the URL.
  3. Don’t use any character in the URL.

How to Look URL on SERP?

Make User friendly URL



Steps to Mention URL on WordPress Website?

  1. Go to Create New Page
  2. Mention the Title of the Page
  3. Go to bottom Section, see the Yoast SEO
  4. Mention Slug Over there.

Heading Tags:-

Heading Tags is the procedure which to describe the level of the content.

Total are 6 Headings from H1 to H6, It means H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6. According to your content we can use the headings but H1 is mandatory, we always use H1 on every page because H1 is a parent tag and useful for ranking.

What is heading, In the diagram shows total 6 headings

Content Optimization:-

Content Optimization has one of the most important roles in rankings. “Content is a king”, We always should follow the quote. Some of the Important factor of Content mentioned below:

  1. Should be use your primary keyword in your first paragraph.
  2. Should be use Alt text in the Image.
  3. Should be use bullets point in the content.
  4. Should be use primary keywords in your subheadings.
  5. Should be use FAQs Section in your content (Atleast 5 FAQs are mandatory).
  6. Should be insert all targeted keywords in your content.
  7. Should be written at least 2000 words in your content.

Image Optimization:-

Image Optimization also have the important ranking factor of Search Engine Optimization. In every content should we use Image, Infographics or Video.

When we use Image or Infographics in the content, we always follow these guidelines to optimize your image for ranking.

  1. We have to use ALT text for the Image, because google can’t be understand Image clearly, or blind person can’t look the image that’s why we should use Alt text, then in Podcasting blind person can listen your Alt Text. That’s why Alt text is an Important ranking factor of SEO.
  2. We have to compress the image which we are using on the webpage. Because if you use heavy Image on your Webpage, It increase your website loading time and loading time is more so your website will open late.

For Compress the image we can use Image Compressor

     3. Finally, We have to use “Webp” format for Images, because For photographs on the web, WebP is a contemporary image format that offers excellent lossless and lossy compression. 

Black Hat | White Hat | Grey Hat SEO:-

Every terms are relate to each other

Black Hat SEO:

The black hat Unethical tactics used to raise a website’s position in search engine results are referred to be SEO. These methods can result in penalties or bans since they go against search engine guidelines.

In simple language we can say, when we don’t use SEO Guidelines properly means 100% we are not following SEO Guidelines that is Black Hat SEO.

Some Black Hat Techniques are:

  1. Keyword Stuffing
  2. Link Farming
  3. Hidden Text
  4. Duplicate Content

White Hat SEO:

White hat SEO is the term for all methods used to raise a website’s position in search engine rankings. These strategies concentrate on giving visitors value while adhering to search engine criteria.

In the other hand, When we follow 100% Google Guidelines or Google Algorithms that means we are doing White Hat Techniques.

Some White Hat SEO Techniques are:

  1. Quality Content Creation
  2. Use Relevant keywords
  3. Use genuine link building
  4. Follow Google Updates Properly

Grey Hat SEO:

Techniques that lie in between white hat and black hat SEO are referred regarded as “grey hat” SEO.

We can say If follow 80% Google Guidelines and don’t follow 20% Google Guidelines, It is a perfect example of Grey Hat SEO.

Some of the Grey Hat SEO Techniques:

  1. Link Exchanges
  2. Content Spinning
  3. Buying Expired Domains

Keyword Density:-

The ratio of times a certain keyword or phrase occurs in a piece of material relative to the overall number of words is known as keyword density.

For calculating the keyword density for using the formula:

Keyword Density=(Number of Time keyword appears/Total word count)*100

For example if A 500-word article’s keyword density would be if a term appeared 10 times.

10/500*100% = 2%

According to Yoast, recommends keyword density between 1% to 3%.

Keywords Stuffing:-

The act of cramming a webpage with keywords or phrases in an effort to influence its position in search engine results is known as keyword stuffing. Because search engines want to give people relevant, high-quality material, this tactic may result in a bad user experience and even penalties.

You can check the keywords stuffing of your content, Here are the steps to check it:

keyword stuffing checker  way describe on Digi Schema

  1. Firstly, If you uploaded content on your website, you have to mention the link after clicking URL input. otherwise, don’t have uploaded the content yet you can click “text input” and paste your text on the mentioned position in the image.
  2. Then, solve the captcha to clicking “I’m not a robot”.
  3. Finally, click on Perform Check

Internal Linking and External Linking:

Internal Linking and External Linking are two important concepts in SEO and website structure.

Internal links is the concept where we hyperlinks (connect) one page to other page on the same website.


Suppose a Digi Schema Institute Website, In the website one content is uploaded on , and if Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Noida we connect both page with the help of hyperlinks that is the part of Internal Linking.

External links is the concept of connecting one website page to other website page.


Suppose we have to website one is Digi Schema and other is Ranking Rapid. If we connect both website page to each other using hyperlinks but keyword should be relevant to content that is the example of External Linking.

Schema Markup:

Schema Markup is a structured data vocabulary that makes it easier for search engines to comprehend the information on your website. You may enhance how search engines present your material in search results by including schema markup in your HTML to give context for the content on your pages.

Types of Digi Schema

There are various types of schema markup, including:

  • Articles
  • Products
  • Events
  • Recipes
  • Reviews

How to use the Schema Markup on WordPress Website?

Schema Generator Digi Schema


  1. Go to
  2. Click the tools section
  3. Go to Schema Generator
  4. And, select which schema want to generate.

Technical SEO ?

User Interface (UI):

The term “user interface” (UI) describes the area where people and machines interact.

Here are the key elements of UI design:

Layout: How components like buttons, menus, pictures, and text are arranged on the screen. A well-organized layout facilitates information access and navigation for users.

Visual Design: Visual design includes the interface’s colors, typography, icons, and general theme, among other aesthetic elements. The objective is to produce a unified, aesthetically pleasing design that improves user experience.

Navigation: The ease with which users can switch between displays or portions of the system. Users may locate what they’re looking for with ease thanks to intuitive navigation.

Interactive Elements: Other interactive elements that let users interact with the system include buttons, sliders, and forms. These components must be understandable, practical, and simple to utilize.

User Experience (UX):

In the context of digital interfaces such as websites, applications, and software, user experience (UX) refers to the total experience a user has while interacting with a product or service. It includes how the product satisfies the user’s wants and expectations as well as design, usability, and accessibility, among other aspects of the user’s contact with the product.


This relates to the product’s ease of use and intuitiveness. Users may accomplish their objectives fast and without irritation when usability is high. Clear navigation, effective workflows, and reducing the amount of steps needed to do activities are some examples of how to achieve this.

Design of Interaction (IxD):
The way consumers engage with the product is the main emphasis of interaction design. Buttons, menus, icons, and other interactive components are covered. The objective is to design simple, straightforward interfaces that enable people to finish activities without difficulty.

Architecture of Information (IA):
The structure and arrangement of the product’s content is known as information architecture. The goal is to ensure that users can traverse the system and locate information with ease. This could entail developing taxonomies, sitemaps, and a coherent content flow.

Visual Style:

The whole user experience is greatly influenced by the product’s visual elements, such as layout, color scheme, typography, and photography. Users can navigate the product more easily and enjoy a more aesthetically pleasant experience with a well-designed interface.


People with different capacities can utilize the product thanks to accessibility. Designing for users with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments falls under this category. Regardless of ability, everyone can use items when they are made accessible.

Research on Users:
Understanding user demands, behaviors, and pain areas through data analytics, usability testing, surveys, and interviews is known as user research. Design choices are influenced by this data, which also aids in the development of user-centered products.

HTML Sitemap:– 

A webpage that enumerates all of a website’s key pages, frequently arranged hierarchically, is called an HTML sitemap.

It gives users a means of navigating the website’s information so they can quickly locate what they’re looking for.

This is an illustration of how to organize a simple HTML sitemap:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>
<title>HTML Sitemap</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 20px;
h1 {
text-align: center;
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding-left: 20px;
li {
margin: 5px 0;
a {
color: #0066cc;
text-decoration: none;
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
<h1>Website Sitemap</h1>
<li><a href=”/”>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=”/about”>About Us</a></li>
<li><a href=”/services”>Services</a>
<li><a href=”/services/web-design”>Web Design</a></li>
<li><a href=”/services/seo”>SEO</a></li>
<li><a href=”/services/content-writing”>Content Writing</a></li>
<li><a href=”/blog”>Blog</a>
<li><a href=”/blog/category/tech”>Tech</a></li>
<li><a href=”/blog/category/business”>Business</a></li>
<li><a href=”/blog/category/lifestyle”>Lifestyle</a></li>
<li><a href=”/contact”>Contact</a></li>
<li><a href=”/privacy-policy”>Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li><a href=”/terms”>Terms of Service</a></li>


Basic Structure: The page has a heading (<h1>), a list of links (<ul> and <li>) that lead to various parts of the website, and a <title> element.

Nested Lists: nested <ul>lists are displayed inside their parent <li>if a page contains subpages (such as services or blog categories).

Style: To make the links aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly, a basic CSS is used. Hovering over links causes them to alter, and the list is presented more cleanly by omitting the bullets.

Benefits of an HTML Sitemap:

Better User Experience: Important website sections are easily visible and accessible to users.

Simple Navigation: Assists users in locating particular pages that are not in the main navigation.

How to check HTML Sitemap?

  1. Go to
  2. Mention websitename/sitemap.html
  3. you will see the Sitemap

XML Sitemap:– 

A file called an XML sitemap aids search engines like Google in better crawling and indexing the content of a website.

An XML sitemap is made especially for search engine bots, as opposed to an HTML sitemap, which is meant for human users.

It gives additional metadata about each page, including the last modified date, the page’s priority, and the frequency of updates, in addition to an organized list of all the site’s key pages.

Example of an XML Sitemap:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<sitemapindex xmlns=”″>

Key Elements of an XML Sitemap:

  • <urlset>: This is the container element that holds all the <url> elements, which represent each page of the website.
  • <url>: This element contains information about a specific webpage.
  • <loc>: The URL of the webpage (required).
  • <lastmod>: The date the page was last modified (optional but helpful for SEO).
  • <changefreq>: The frequency with which the page is likely to change (optional). Common values include always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and never.
  • <priority>: Indicates the priority of the page relative to other pages on the site (optional). Values range from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being the highest priority.

Example of a Detailed URL Entry in XML:


Benefits of XML Sitemap:

Improved Search Engine Crawling:

An XML sitemap aids search engines in finding and indexing content that they might otherwise overlook.

Better SEO:

You may affect how search engines rank your content by including metadata.

Faster Updates:

Search engines are able to discover website modifications (such as new pages or page updates) more rapidly.

Organized Structure:

Ensures that all significant material is crawled, which is especially helpful for huge websites with lots of pages.

Submitting an XML Sitemap:

Once you’ve created the sitemap, you can submit it to search engines like Google through Google Search Console. This allows the search engine to crawl your website more efficiently.

How to check HTML Sitemap?

  1. Go to
  2. Mention websitename/sitemap.xml
  3. you will see the Sitemap


The robots.txt file plays a key role in SEO by providing instructions to search engine crawlers (also called robots or bots) about which pages or sections of your website they are allowed to crawl and index, and which ones they should avoid.

how Robots.txt works:

  • Control Search Engine Access: The robots.txt file can be used to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages, directories, or files. For example, you might want to block admin pages or duplicate content that could negatively affect your SEO.

  • Optimize Crawl Budget: For large websites with many pages, search engines have a limited “crawl budget,” which is the amount of time and resources they will spend crawling your site. By disallowing non-essential pages in your robots.txt, you ensure that crawlers focus on your most important pages.

  • Prevent Duplicate Content: If you have duplicate content across different URLs (like print-friendly versions of pages or tracking parameters in URLs), blocking these in the robots.txt file can prevent search engines from indexing them and possibly diluting your rankings.

  • Ensure Privacy: If you have sensitive or private areas of your website (like login pages or private content), you can use the robots.txt file to prevent search engine crawlers from indexing those pages, though it’s worth noting this isn’t a foolproof security measure (it’s more about SEO).

Main Points

  1. For checking robots.txt file on the website –
  2. Improper use of robots.txt (e.g., blocking important pages) can negatively impact SEO by preventing crawlers from accessing valuable content.

Robots.txt file helps guide search engines in how to crawl and index your website, ensuring efficient use of crawl resources and enhancing your site’s SEO performance.

Page Speed Optimization:– 

Page speed optimization is a crucial factor in SEO because it directly impacts user experience, search engine rankings, and overall site performance. Here’s how it plays a role in SEO:

User Experience (UX)

  • Faster Load Times: When a website loads quickly, users are more likely to stay on the page and engage with its content. A slow-loading site can frustrate visitors, leading them to leave before even viewing the content.
  • Bounce Rate: Slow pages often result in higher bounce rates, as users tend to abandon pages that take too long to load. A high bounce rate can signal to search engines that the content may not be relevant or user-friendly, which could hurt rankings.

Search Engine Rankings

  • Google’s Ranking Factor: Google has made it clear that page speed is a ranking factor. Faster websites are more likely to rank higher in search results because they offer a better experience for users. Google even introduced a specific algorithm update called Core Web Vitals, which measures the loading performance of a page.
  • Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices, Google uses mobile-first indexing, meaning the mobile version of your website is considered the primary version. Optimizing page speed for mobile users is therefore essential for good SEO performance.

Crawl Efficiency

Search Engine Crawling: Faster pages help search engine crawlers (bots) navigate your site more efficiently. When a page loads quickly, crawlers can explore more pages in less time, ensuring that all important content gets indexed.

Core Web Vitals

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) are the three core metrics used by Google to evaluate page speed and user experience. A website that performs well in these metrics is likely to rank higher because it provides a smooth and fast experience to users.

How to Optimize Page Speed:

  • Image Compression
  • Browser Caching
  • Reduce Number of Elements
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML

Page speed optimization is essential for improving user experience, increasing engagement, and enhancing your SEO performance. A faster website is more likely to rank higher, attract more traffic, and convert visitors into customers or leads.

301 & 302 Redirect:–